Claggett Center Logo
Kindness. Connection. Beloved Community
3035 Buckeystown Pike
Adamstown, MD 21710

Inclusion at Claggett

Mission Statement: Providing Christ-centered hospitality and programming to all people for learning, spiritual renewal and growth.

Vision Satement: Claggett aspires that all people experience welcome and life-giving opportunities so that everyone might leave with lifted hearts and a deeper sense of God’s unconditional love.

We believe that camp and conferrence centers have the power to change lives, through time spent in nurturing and loving community. Further, we believe that these life-changing experiences are for guests and staff members of every race, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and background. We believe that every person is created in the image of God, exactly as they are, with experiences and perspectives that are precious to God.

As an Episcopal ministry, rooted in the Baptismal Covenant, we strive to:

  • Continue in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship; in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers. The simple acts of daily life together: prayer, meals, rest, and play, bring us into closer relationship and community.
  • Seek and serve Christ in all people, loving our neighbors as ourselves. Our staff seeks to listen to others’ stories, consider their perspectives, and learn to treat people how they would like to be treated according to their needs and abilities. This is the mindset we invite guests into as they navigate daily life in community at Claggett.
  • Strive for justice and peace among all people, respecting the dignity of every human being by:
    • Removing as many barriers to participation due to socioeconomic status as we can through: 
      • Scholarship and tiered pricing systems in our programs
      • Assistance with acquiring necessary items for summer camp with discretion and without judgment
    • Making Claggett a safer place for people of color by:
      • Examining and changing practices and systems that were designed with whiteness as the “default”
      • Naming our history and complicity to slavery and racism
    • Making camp a safer place for LGBTQ+ guests and employees by:
      • Allowing each person to define themself. Using the name and pronouns they ask to be called by, and respecting information that each person chooses to share or not share about their identity.
      • Examining and changing practices and systems that operate on the assumption of binary gender and heterosexuality
      • Supporting transgender and gender-expansive guests’ right to use the lodging spaces and bathrooms that are appropriate for them.

Finally, whenever we fall [short], we repent and return. 

If you have questions, concerns, or suggestions as to how we can better live up to these ideals at Claggett, we invite your conversation with Claggett staff or board leadership.

Questions on Gender Inclusive Housing at Summer Camp? Download our FAQ sheet here!