Mrs. Sandra (Sam) Alger
Mr. and Mrs. John Beakes
The Rev. Thomas W. Claggett, III
The Rev. Charles E. Cloughen, Jr.
Ms. Barbara Collins
Mr. George B. Delaplaine, Jr.
Mr. George A. and Mrs. Nancy Delatush
The Rev. William H. Fallowfield Ms. Faye A. Houston
Mr. James T. Ferguson and Mrs. Carol Ferguson
Ms. Judith Guy
The Rev. Matthew Hanisian and Ms. Katie Glover
The Rev. Glenna Janelle Huber and Mr. Richard Huber
Mr. David Herron
The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Robert W. Ihloff
Mr. Jason Kamrath and Mr. Brett Robinson
Ms. Carla Kaufman
The Rev. Kristin N. Krantz
The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Charles L. Longest
The Rev. T. Stewart Lucas and Mr. Douglas Campbell
Mr. Sean and Mrs. Michele Lyons
Mr. William S. and Mrs. Lynn Lyon-Vaiden
Mrs. Marjorie and Mr. William Mack
Mr. David G. and Mrs. Lisa O. Mallery
Ms. Barbara Miles
Mr. and Mrs. David Mountain
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Owens
Mr. and Mrs. John Pegram
The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. John L. Rabb
Mr. Russell R. Reno, Jr.
Mr. James and Mrs. Lisa Marie Ryder
The Rev. Canon and Mrs. Scott G. Slater
The Rev. and Mrs. C. Allen Spicer, Jr.
Ms. Maureen Suckling
The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Eugene Taylor Sutton
The Rev. Dina van Klaveren and Mr. David Stimler
Mr. Douglas E. Vaughan
The Rev. and Mrs. John B. Wheeler
Mr. Brian White
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Winn
Mrs. Lucy Winston
Dr. H. Russell Wright, Jr.
Mrs. Martha M. Yeager
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Yoe
Church of the Good Shepherd, Towson
The Churches of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, Cedarcroft, Baltimore
St. Andrew's Church, Glenwood
St. James' Church, Mount Airy
St. Margaret's Church, Annapolis
St. Paul's Parish, Point of Rocks
United Way of Frederick County
Order of the Daughters of the King, Province III
Delaplaine Foundation, Inc.
Community Foundation of Frederick County
Department of Housing & Community Assurance